
About Me

Hello, I’m Roque, a software engineer trying to make things better via tech. My full name is Alberto Roque Carrizo Fernández, and I was born in Spain in 1992. Ever since I can remember I’ve always had a practical problem-solving mindset, and when I discovered coding, I was instantly hooked.

I earned my Bachelor’s degree in computer science from Oviedo University. During my journey, I had the opportunity to live and work in various cities, including Barcelona and Amsterdam, where I honed my skills and collaborated on exciting projects. You can delve into more details in my resume.


In this corner of the web, I intend to keep a log of the projects I’m currently working on and share insights and tidbits in the form of articles. My primary focus is on .NET and web development technologies, so you can expect a lot in that realm. For example the creation of this website itself had some interesting challenges, which you can read more about here.

In addition to my software engineering pursuits, I quite enjoy drawing. I’ve created a section here to showcase some of my favorite drawings. It’s my hope that this platform will motivate me to draw more frequently, as it’s a hobby I cherish.


I’m excited to have you along for this journey. Feel free to explore my work and don’t hesitate to get in touch at Let’s create, innovate, and explore together!